Who we are

Media Assessment is the first quality mark for media, journalism and communication .

It is available throughout the year continuously, for those wishing to apply through our official website : www.mediaevaluation.org .

We aim to be available to many media bodies, journalists, media companies, communication departments in governmental and non-governmental departments, and makers of distinguished media content.

This project, which came as a result of research that lasted for more than two years, as a landmark in the world of making “media symbolic signs” for the media, as a unique project in its noble goals and philosophy that serves values and morals. from the media.

The visual identity of the “MEDIA EVALUATION” mark: it is the abbreviation of “ME“. A mark of quality and excellence aimed at evaluating distinguished media work is somewhat similar to the same mechanisms as the famous ISO quality certificate, with the exception of the “ME2022” quality mark | Specialises in evaluating media, journalism and communication exclusively.

The evaluation is considered one of the most interested projects by many specialists in the field of communication, as the project has become in its depth, requires the implementation of business philosophy on the ground and a great motivation to motivate everyone to improve the quality of services and content to obtain this mark related to media and communications only.

We are not like YouTube, Tik Tok or Instagram, and no one is like us! “We are unique” The media quality mark “MEDIA EVALUATION” is global and its goals are international.

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